"We don't know what we would have done without togetherfriends; we have both got a new lease of life."
"I love your website, I have been a member for just a few weeks and have already met up with a lovely group of ladies in York. It really is such a brilliant way to meet new friends and so easy to use."
"I have made a very good friend via togetherfriends who lives in Ewell so meeting with her on a regular basis."
"I only joined yesterday and subscribed this morning after receiving a lovely message from a lady local to me Early days but just want to say what a lovely site this is and just what I need in my life. Well impressed ... thank you so much for taking the time to create togetherfriends.com"
"We don't know what we would have done without togetherfriends; we have both got a new lease of life"
"I love your website, I have been a member for just a few weeks and have already met up with a lovely group of ladies in York. It really is such a brilliant way to meet new friends and so easy to use."
"'I joined your website about a month ago and since then have made a really nice friend. We’ve met twice and we have a lot in common."
"As seen in the Daily Telegraph, Daily Express, My Weekly magazine, Yorkshire Post, Saga website"