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Getting the balance right - Solo or together?

helen by thamesI've just had a special treat.  5 solo days away in London, a few days of walks, galleries, taking photos, drama and coffee shops.  I have always enjoyed my own company, so relished the opportunity to escape a bustling home life for a few days to do my own thing.   And it has been very much about doing my own thing. I have gone where I want, when I want without the inevitable discussions about what suits the other person as well.   There is something special in doing that,  just being yourself for once in a while, doing the things you enjoy most. 

But no one can spend every day on their own without talking to another person. We all need social contact to be able to enjoy the time alone, otherwise the time alone becomes a burden, not a joy.  So I interspersed my time alone in London with meeting a couple of old friends, friends from my pre family stage made at university and in my young, free and single time in London.  We meet whenever I venture south and it is a joy to carry on the conversation where we last left it.tower bridge

I've done some special things in my 5 days away: I swam in a rooftop (heated!) lido with the January chill on my back, I went on a tour of the Globe theatre and was transported back to life 400 years ago.  I took another tour of the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden and was lucky enough to see a prima ballerina going through her paces.  I saw the wonderful Ian McKellen on tour, a spur of the moment ticket bought over a cup of coffee.  And I shared a glass of wine and special meal with my friends from my past life.

My time alone has been very special, but now I am happy to return to everyday life with my regular friends and family.

Everyone leads different lives, some people living alone while others are surrounded by a big family.  Whatever lifestyle you lead, make sure you get the balance right, allowing special times for yourself where you can just be yourself, and lots of time too with family and friends.  It is good to learn to be alone, but we all need social interaction too!

If you spend a lot of time alone but would like to meet others like yourself who live close by, we might be able to help at togetherfriends.