Life after 50: A survey of the views, attitudes and issues for women over 50
Our guest 'blogger' this week is Angelique duToit, who wrote a lovely piece for us in December 2016 called 'Don't be lonely this Christmas'
She specialises in writing about 'women of a certain age' and is now busy researching for her future book about the views, attitudes and issues of women aged 50+. The book will share the experiences, highs and lows of aging.
As part of her research she wishes to obtain the views of as many women aged 50+ as possible. It is inspired by her own experiences of life after 50 as well as those of many others who have shared their stories with her already.
We all have stories to share and Angelique would love to hear about the trials and tribulations, highs and lows that you have faced as you get older. Your stories will offer comfort to others going through the same experiences for the first time.
As a woman myself in my late 50s, I have already completed the survey which I found very interesting and thought provoking.
If you would like to tell Angelique about your own story, Angelique would love to hear from you. All information provided is confidential and no names/links to you are given.
Click on the link below to see the survey:
Women Over 50 survey
Angelique's story:
As with many women before me, I have had to embrace changes at a physical, mental as well as emotional level after reaching the age of 50. I have always been an energetic and positive person, wholeheartedly embracing change and new experiences. However, my fifties were not my best decade and severely challenged my optimistic default position.
I had to adjust to the challenges and changes associated with menopause, cope with health issues both my own as well as that of my husband. I also had to come to terms with the loss of my brother to terminal cancer and to whom I was very close. I anticipate that the many stories you and others will contribute will act as inspiration to others in similar situations or merely serve as a reminder that they are not on their own.
Thank you very much for taking the time to complete and return the survey.
Independent Researcher and Author