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Tips on contacting your togetherfriends matches

You are looking for new friends, and think that togetherfriends looks like a good way to broaden your social group.

You have filled in your profile and activated your account. What happens now?

Once you have registered on the site you can view the profiles of other members who live nearby and who are of a similar age and have similar interests. You look through the profiles of members who have been identified as matches for you, and see if any look like they could be potential friends....and then get in touch.  It’s as easy as that!

Getting in touch for the first time

You might think that the hardest step is making that first contact with your matches. Be brave and remember everyone is in the same boat and looking for new friends – otherwise they wouldn’t have signed up. You have to be a paid up member to contact other members, which for only £19.99 lets you contact as many members as you like and also attend our events for a whole year. 

What should I say in my first message?

Send a short message via the site telling the member a little about yourself and the things you have in common. Let them know when you are generally free (eg weekends, during the day) and ask them if they’d like to meet up or talk further.  We would suggest your first meeting is in a public place such as a cafe.  We’d also recommend at this stage not to exchange email or phone numbers, until you  have met in person or got to know each other a little. You can then see how well you get on together and take the friendship from there.

What if I don’t hear back?

Remember many of our members lead busy lives and don't check their email everyday or maybe are on holiday, so don’t be disappointed if you don’t hear back straight away. If by chance you don’t hear anything at all, (although most people do!) don’t take it personally, they may have other things going on in their lives right now. Try someone else and see what happens.

So many women have made so many friends through togetherfriends.  New members are joining all the time, and we have women joining us from all over the UK. 

It’s an easy way to make new friends, so why not register now  or become a paid up member and see what potential friends are waiting out there for you!